Izložba plakata / Poster Exhibiton

Izabrana predavanja po pozivu za studente Odseka za Pejzažnu Arhitekturu i Hortikulturu na predmetu Pejzažnoarhitektonska grafika na Šumarskom Fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu

12. maj – 22. jun 2021.

Selected invited lectures for students of Department for Landscape Architecture and Horticulture, Landscapearchitectural graphics at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade

May 12 – June 22 2021.

Radionica geometrija je kreativna platforma namenjena studentima svih nivoa studija Šumarskog fakulteta, Odseka za pejzažnu arhitekturu i hortikulturu. Radionica geometrija studentima pruža mogućnost za razvoj i izražavanje kreativnih sklonosti, kroz istraživanje forme i kompozicije geometrijskih elemenata. Studenti imaju priliku da prezentuju svoj rad na grupnoj izložbi, na kraju svake školske godine.

Geometry workshop is a creative platform designed for students of all levels of studies. The workshop provides to students the opportunity to develop and express their creative inclinations. Students are engaged in geometry, graphics, form, composition and visual communications, and at the end of each academic year they have the opportunity to present their work in a group exhibition.

Pogledajte katalog prethodne izložbe /
Take a look at the previous exhibition Catalogue

Izvan geometrije

12 – 23. septembar 2017.
Studentski Kulturni Centar

Beyond Geometry

12 – 23 September 2017
Student’s Cultural Center